Get Involved!
We greatly value the volunteers that serve on our Board, offer their services to the school, connect with alumni, and help organize functions and events. We could not achieve many of our goals if it weren’t for our dedicated volunteers.
There are many opportunities to volunteer your time and/or expertise at Epstein.
If you are interested in getting involved, contact the school office at 314-994-7856.
Our Parent-Teacher Association is involved in many activities throughout the school year to enhance the school experience for the students and teachers.
To volunteer, or for more information,
please email
Connect with us on Facebook here.

Classroom Parent
Be a vital part of classroom special activities. To volunteer, or for more information, contact our Parent Teacher Association via the
front office at 314-994-7856.
There are so many events throughout the year, including the Chanukah Chagigah, Purim Palooza, and Bookfair, in which your help can make it a success!
Contact the office at 314-994-7856 if you want to join the excitement and show your support.

We believe the EHA experience – rooted in a pioneering tradition, inspired by ongoing professional development, and advancing through student-centered learning and innovation – provides students a unique opportunity to learn and grow.
At EHA, we care about each of our students, instilling a lifelong love of learning and the skills to become upstanding citizens. Our graduates are leaders among their peers and in the larger community. They are passionate, self-assured, critical thinkers who bring their Jewish values to engage and improve our world.
Help Us Stay Connected! EHA is always excited to hear about our alumni and their families. Connect with us and classmates on our EHA Alumni Community Facebook page!
Stay Involved! We are always delighted to have Alumni involved, and we would love to see you around our school. There are many opportunities for you to delve into; see what we have to offer or contact us with your own ideas.
Support EHA. We greatly appreciate your generosity as an Epstein Alumnus, and we thank you—in advance—for your support! Donate via PayPal here!