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Students at EHA seek to embody a life filled with positive character traits and doing for others.

Curiosity | Gratitude | Integrity | Kindness | Respect

Middot Tovot, or positive character education, is a core component of an Epstein Hebrew Academy education. In recent years, EHA has partnered with Character Plus to formalize a school-wide character education program. Beginning with a community meeting where all of our stakeholders - staff, students, and parents - gathered together to choose 5 core values (above) that we, as a school community, would work on together, the school culture is permeated with visuals, lessons, and interactions that are guided by and focused on these core values. Through this whole-school character education curriculum, students learn the idea that at EHA, “menschlichkeit”, being good people, is our way of life.  

Our Middot program creates a common language with which all students become familiar and encourages positive behavior interventions and supports, fostering an environment where a child’s best self becomes her or his daily way of life. Our students motivate each other through their own positive examples and together they create a climate of kindness and generosity.

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